Global Sports Sunday
What’s happening?
Why Global Sports Sunday?
On Global Sports Sunday we are calling on churches across the world to pray for the global community of sport.
Sport has a huge impact in cultures and communities globally. Research shows that more than half of the world’s population participates in a sports community on a weekly basis. That’s not even talking about the number of people who regularly come into contact with sports. Parents, trainers, fans and volunteers – all are touched by the power of sport.
“Sport has the power to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela
We believe that all big spiritiual movements start with prayer. That’s why with the Global Sports Sunday we want to answer to the call of Jesus in Luke 10:2
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into the his fields.”
–Luke 10:2
When people pray for the world of sports, we believe that God will also open their eyes for the sports communities around them. He will show them how they can contribute in spreading his love in those communities that they are already a part of.
Join us on Global Sports Sunday to pray for the world of sport… the greatest untapped mission in the world today!
The church needs its sports people!
Get your ticket…
Like any other big sporting event, you have to make sure you get a ticket to be a part of the spectacle. Since we believe GSS is going to be a worldwide celebration of sport and faith we are giving out several different tickets for you to really experience the spectacle in way that works for you.
The Athlete ticket is for individuals that want to be a part of GSS.
The Church ticket is for people that want their church to be a part of GSS.
The country tickets are for organisations and ministries that want to partner with GSS in their own country.

“Sports has the power to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela